Payments for lost wages are an important segment of your workers’ compensation benefits, but you must qualify for them and you can only get them for a specific amount of time. The guidelines for wage payments are much more strict than those for medical payments.
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry, there are a couple of reasons why your lost wage benefits may end.
You reach the limit
Payments for lost wages often have a maximum benefit amount or a timeline limit. For example, partial disability status entitles you to only 500 weeks of payments. You may also only receive temporary payments, which last just 90 days. After the 90 days, you need a new order to continue receiving payments.
The insurer denies the claim
If you receive temporary payments in the period right after your injury during the claims processing time and the insurer makes a decision to deny your claim, then it may also stop your payments. You can appeal the decision, but your payments may stop until there is a new order.
A judge makes a decision
A judge can order the end to payments if he or she feels you no longer have an entitlement to them. If the judge feels you can return to work, for example, then he or she may order a stop to your benefits.
You reach an agreement
If you reach a settlement with your employer or the insurer, then you may agree to the end of benefits. It is important that you make sure you completely understand any agreement before signing it to ensure this does not happen.