Residents of Pennsylvania may want to read more about how lane splitting, the ability to drive between two cars, affects both the motorist and the motorcycle rider. There are certain things that are helpful to know when it comes to everyone being safe, since accidents...
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Motor Vehicle Accidents
Pedestrian roadway accidents are on the rise
The NHTSA has continued to raise awareness about the dangers of being a pedestrian as the number of fatal accidents increases. As a Pennsylvania resident, there are few things that you can do to reduce your risk of being involved in an accident while you're walking...
Is it dangerous to drive with kids in the car?
For parents in Pennsylvania, driving with kids in the car seems like an inevitability. While you might not have any other choice, that doesn't make it any less dangerous. Studies have shown that driving with children in the car increases your risk of getting into a...
State rankings for animal-vehicle collisions
Animals in the road can be a big problem for drivers in Pennsylvania. Every year, there are people killed in car accidents because they struck an animal or swerved to try to avoid striking an animal. In many cases, drivers collide with other cars on the road after an...
Who are the potential defendants in a semi-truck collision?
There are multiple parties who may be liable for damages in a Pennsylvania car accident case. As a general rule, a court will likely hold the driver of the car that collided with yours responsible for his or her negligent behavior. In addition, any company that...
How much car accident victims could receive in damages
Being injured in a car accident that was caused by the negligence of another motorist, you are likely wondering how much you can seek in compensation. Pennsylvania being a no-fault state, only those who suffered severe injuries can file a third-party insurance claim...
The impact of truck driver fatigue
Operating a commercial vehicle while drowsy or fatigued can significantly increase the chances of being involved in an accident. In fact, driving after staying awake for more than 24 consecutive hours is equivalent to driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.10. Take...
Driving hazards in the autumn
Autumn is a beautiful season, but it can be treacherous for drivers in Pennsylvania if they are not careful. The hazards start with children returning to school and pedestrians being in active school zones. Drivers need to adjust after a whole summer of not being...
BLS report says truck transportation is the deadliest industry
Workers in Pennsylvania may be interested in learning about the most dangerous industries overall in the U.S. Using workplace fatality data from 2018, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has come out with a report that may prove to be enlightening for many. It turns out...
What should I do after being involved in a car crash?
Drivers in Pennsylvania know that there is always a risk of being involved in a car accident when traveling or commuting. Should you be involved in a car accident, the first thing to do is remain calm. Take a couple of deep breaths before beginning the process of...